What happens when you start to eat healthy and why is it so darn hard?
Ever wonder what would happen if you were to start eating healthy? If you’re like most people, making a commitment to eating healthy and sticking with it can lead to some dramatic changes even if you don’t lose weight. If you want to watch my video on this, click here.
Here are a few of my favorite rewards:
- You’ll want healthy foods in the future. Once you start healthy eating habits, you’ll never want to go back.
- You’ll feel better. There’s something about fast food that can make you feel like crap. Maybe it’s the fat, salt and lack of care that it’s produced with. Maybe it’s the processed food and meat. Maybe it’s that you’re probably eating on the go. Whatever it is, it happens. You know it.
- You’ll be more confident. Anytime you do something that’s good for your health, it should give you confidence and satisfaction that you made a conscious decision to put effort into improving your health. Think about the last time you chose a healthy meal or did some exercise. The hardest part is making the decision. Don’t wait another minute and start eating healthy.
- Your gut health may improve. More fiber, a varied diet, extra fruits and vegetables all improve your gut microbiome. And we are still learning how the gut microbiome may impact your health, but it seems to have a lot of benefits from decreasing inflammation to improving move and possibly many others. Check out these recipes for ideas on how to start eating healthy.
All that sounds great, right? Well why don’t we all just wake up tomorrow and start eating healthy? Despite what some influencers tell you, it’s much easier said than done.
So this is my way out saying I get it. The deck is stacked against you. The restaurant industry isn’t interested in healthy eating. Most food production companies aren’t interested in helping you. And even the medical industry isn’t always invested in giving you to the tools to change your diet in a positive and meaningful way. And, don’t even get me started on the diet industry. All these groups are about money, money money and that means you’re on your own. So today, I’m laying out all the reasons why you can’t get over the hump and change your eating habits.
- Delayed gratification. Sure you may feel better when you don’t eat Taco Bell, but you may not see the benefits of better eating for years and years. It may take ten years for eating healthy to allow you to maintain a healthy weight. It may be twenty years before your knees thank you and your blood pressure is better controlled, and you don’t have diabetes. It’s hard to think 20 years down the road when you’re choosing what to eat so start eating healthier now.
- There are fast food restaurants everywhere.
- You’re bombarded with commercials (if you still watch TV with commercials). Did you see how good that bacon cheeseburger looks on your new 65-inch TV? Try getting that out of your mind next time you’re on the go and need lunch.
- Healthy foods are more expensive. This isn’t always the case, but if you’re on a limited budget, it makes sense to choose the cheaper unhealthy option when you are trying to save money for gas and rent.
- Your taste buds want sugar and salt. That’s what you’re used to and what tastes good to you. Anything else tastes bland and may not seem worth eating.
- It takes more time to create a healthy dish. That’s true a lot of the time. You may have to chop more vegetables or plan a bit better. So yes, it takes more time and dedication than picking up something on the go.
OK so did you get all that? I see you. I see your difficulties. I see the challenges. I see that the world is set up to keep you from getting to better food.
If you stick with me, though, I’m going to show you how we can work together to train your taste buds to enjoy lower salt and lower sugar food; how you can find deals in the store for low cost healthier food, how you can drive down the road without pulling into McDonalds and if you do end up at McDonalds, how to choose the healthiest item on the menu.
Mostly, though, I am going to show you why you should spend that extra few minutes planning, shopping and cooking to create food that will benefit you now and for years in the future.
Start eating healthy today. Follow The Cooking Doc. Change Your Taste Buds. Healthy cooking made simple and delicious.
This post has 2 comments
I totally agree. It takes time to adjust my taste buds. From craving sweets or salty popcorn at night to maybe hummus and celery sticks.
Exactly! It’s not always easy either.