Top 10 Tips on Coffee

Top 10 Tips on Coffee

With the weather finally starting to get cold, I’m dreaming each day of my morning cup of strong, black coffee. It’s my favorite way to start the day.

But, I know that the fall and winter seasons bring other unhealthy coffee temptations. You may be dreaming of a Pumpkin Spice Latte along with its extra sugar and calories or hot chocolate topped with whipped cream. Don’t fall into these unhealthy traps.

Instead of choosing these high calorie and high fat options, I want you to “Fall Into Health” and become a black coffee lover. Learning to love black coffee will help you keep your calories down, and your coffee delicious.

Watch the video to learn more.

Here’s a sneak peak at my recommendations:

-Try flavored coffee beans

-Add a dash of cinnamon to your coffee

Watch the video for more, and #ChangeYourBuds to black coffee today!

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